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Privacy Policy

Sappy G

We at Sappy G believe in golden glue, but we also believe in the Golden Rule.

We hate spam and those pesky calls from telemarketers, and we're sure you do, too. Therefore, the information that you provide us will never be shared with, or sold to, any third party. All information collected by us is stored on a secure server using the most advanced encryption methods. If our security is ever breached, and your information is stolen, then we will use the information you have provided to contact you to inform you of the situation.

You may receive promotional email from Sappy G from time to time, but you will always be given an option in the email to opt out of any future mailings.

The only reason we may call you is if you win our contest for the "I'm with Sappy" T–shirt. Otherwise, you have nothing to worry about, we will not call you for any other reason.
