↓ Welcome ↓

This is the beginning of my scrolling site demo.

Follow the arrows, or use the navigation buttons.

↓ Left or Right Slider ↑

Click left or right to see this page's sub-content.

Then, scroll to the previous or next page.


This style of website is easy to use and can be utilized for many purposes, such as storytelling, picture books, or slide shows.


One of the newest trends in web design that will impress your website visitors!

↓ Multi-purpose Pages ↑

Images can be placed anywhere on any page, and so can text.

Sunrise on NYC, Aug. 2001. Photo by Glenn Scano

Sleek Graphics

Give your site visitor a modern user experience.

Glenn Scano's logo symbol
Shadowmask by Glenn Scano

← Smooth →

One frame glides to the next.


This style of website works in all browsers — old and new.

So, there is no need to worry about who can see the content.

Cartoon monster by Glenn Scano

↑ Device-friendly ↓

Works on all devices — tablets, too!

Pages and content will resize to fit any screen.

Image of a device screen by Glenn Scano

↑ Conclusion ↑

This is the end. Thank you for scrolling.